Kim Jong Un recently paid a visit to a new political school in Pyongyang that will train the next generation of leaders of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK).
Korean Central Television covered his inspection tour of the Central Cadres Training School of the WPK, which appears to be relatively far along in its construction. Kim met with designers and planners of the college and looked around several buildings, including what is likely the “electronic reading room” and study area.
In it, there were tens of desks set up with computer monitors, keyboards, mice and desktop computers, likely for access to the domestic intranet and, possibly, the Internet. A prominent “Dell” logo can be seen on the back of a monitor closest to the camera and on several other monitors in the shot below.

Dell monitors at the Central Cadres Training School in Pyongyang, seen on Korean Central Television on April 1, 2024 (Source: KCTV)
A closer look at the Dell desktops reveal machines that look very similar to computers currently being sold on Dell China’s website.
Despite sanctions that are meant to prevent high-tech equipment from entering North Korea from overseas, the presence of the Chinese economy on its doorstep appears to make it remarkably easy for North Korea to import computer equipment it needs.
In the past, the logos of foreign computer companies have often been obscured in KCTV shots. In this case, state media censors obviously thought that wasn’t needed.

Computers at the Central Cadres Training School in Pyongyang, seen on Korean Central Television on April 1, 2024 (Source: KCTV)

Kim Jong Un at the Central Cadres Training School in Pyongyang, seen on Korean Central Television on April 1, 2024 (Source: KCTV)